
Posts Tagged ‘acceptance’

Welcome 2015!

It’s another new year. Every year I would write a new year’s post to start off the year right and to remember the year that was. And every year, I would hope for something greater, better and more meaningful for the new year. I guess everyone of us wishes for the same thing.

The past year taught me a lot about myself. There is often a belief that when you turn 30, you start really getting to know yourself. And being comfortable with who you are. Not caring so much about ridiculous things which bothered you when you were young. And I’d like to believe that this is true. I guess, when you grow older, you get to discover more about yourself. And though I already feel older than 30 (I always tell people this and they would wonder why), there is still a whole lot more to learn, to understand, and to unravel even when you feel like you’ve already carried so much in this life. I’ve always said that I don’t assume to know everything and I never will, and that speaks true until the end. Because what we’re really here for is to constantly make new discoveries, to explore unchartered territories and maybe gain a whole new appreciation of what life really is and should be.

I cannot begin to tell you how I wish to make these new experiences every day. And so for this year, I would like to tell myself to take more chances. Even the little ones that do not really look like one. Because I think they’re the most fun things you could ever really do. That when you sum them up together, they would really brighten up your year. I hope to travel the world as always. To feed this hunger always boiling inside of me. My feet are just way too itchy. Traveling thus far always seems to be the peak of any given year.

I wish to take more initiatives in helping people. I wish that I would have more time to do this and the courage to start anew and by my own. Helping others is what truly gives meaning to my life. Whether it’s in teaching others, giving my time, or just sharing what I have, I hope I’ll be an instrument to serve others. To give back for all the blessings that has been bestowed upon me.

I hope to stay grateful even with all the sorrows and pain in this life. At the end of the day, even when I weep, complain, or feel down, I cannot ever take away how He has guided, taken care and blessed my family. I thank you Lord for getting me through all those years and giving me hope when I had lost it. Thank you for not giving up on me when I had already given up on myself.

And with everything I have gone through, I hope to continue to love myself. It hasn’t been an easy road, people always see their inner flaws. And I have learned that I have been doing this for all my years, and it took me time to know that I can only burden myself for being too critical of myself. One of my favorite TV characters once said that, as you grow old, you learn that you cannot really change who you are, you just begin to learn to accept it. I believe that we have the chance and the power to make those changes for the better but the core of who we truly are is already there just waiting for our own realization and acceptance. I hope to see the good rather than the bad side. To take it easy and not be too harsh on myself, for who else would? To forgive myself. To learn from my mistakes instead of punishing myself for it. To give myself an opportunity to rise and appreciate my strengths as well as recognize my weaknesses.

And so to anyone or everyone who wishes for a great new year ahead, let’s make this new year a beginning for ourselves. To not take life so seriously. To laugh at ourselves. To cry when we need to and pick ourselves up after it. To be comfortable with what we want, what we can do, and those things that we are not. To feel immense happiness in moments just because we can and we deserve to. To give ourselves chances even when we have screwed them up in the past. To let our guards down and just be. To move forward with less anxiety and fear. To not lose hope that incredible things are on their way, just waiting for the right time. And to smile because we know that God has entirely made a plan for our lives even when we feel most unsure, insecure and doubtful.

I pray for all these good things to come your way. And here’s to a year we won’t forget.

A lovely and meaningful 2015 to  you, may this year fill your heart with joy, gratitude and love. 🙂


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